Testing deviation pages! Which team are you on?!

3 min read

Deviation Actions

hq's avatar

As mentioned in spyed's previous Deviation Pages & A Quick Meditation blog, we're introducing A/B testing to certain areas of the site -- beginning with deviation pages.

Rolling out changes on deviantART is a big deal and we're well aware that any change we make, no matter how big or small, affects millions of people.  A/B testing two similar, yet different, versions of our deviation page will allow us to gather data and effectively compare which version performs better and is better received by the community.

By the time you read this blog, we'll have already implemented our new deviation page testing.  When viewing deviation pages, you'll either see version A or version B.  Deviation pages for deviants in the version A bucket will remain the same.  They'll look totally unchanged.  While deviation pages for deviants in the version B bucket will see our updates and modifications.  During this testing period, there is no way to switch from version A to version B or vice versa!  That would defeat the purpose of testing!  :giggle:

So, what team are you on -- A or B?  :thumbsup:  :thumbsdown:


The use of A/B testing, at its most basic, randomly shows visitors one version of a page -- version A, or the alternative, version B -- and tracks changes to visitor behavior based on the version they saw.  Version A is normally the existing design (the 'control'), while version B (the 'challenger') has one or two altered designs or copy elements.  (Source.)


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GigaPipen1407's avatar
i prefer A :shrug: only one i've ever used i think, and i like it more